Chaparral Park in Irvine is a small neighborhood park near Bonita Canyon Elementary School off Turtle Rock Drive. It’s especially nice because it backs up to a natural area and the grassy areas are dotted with nice shade trees.

Location of Chaparral Park in Irvine: This parked is tucked inside the Turtle Rock neighborhood where Turtle Rock Drive runs in a circle leading to homes off that main road. You can enter the neighborhood via Ridgeline from University Drive — or from the other side of the neighborhood where Turtle Rock meets Campus Drive. The playground is located along Turtle Rock Drive and you will be traveling in the correct direction for parking along the curb if you come from the direction of University Drive. (Park Address: 19032 Turtle Rock Drive, Irvine) MAP TO CHAPARRAL PARK IN IRVINE

I love the little tree tunnel that leads to the Sunset Point Trail. And all the birds I could see and hear while we visited the park.
You can walk the path around the park or sit on the benches to enjoy the shade.
There is a play area for 2-5 year olds and also 5-12 year olds.
The older kid playground has monkey bars, a tire swing, and curly fire pole plus a slide!

You’ll find some extra climbing opportunities with ladders that might be a bit high for younger kids.

There are also bench swings at the big kid side of the playground along with a tire swing!

The play structure for younger kids has a really cool climber to get up onto the equipment that makes it a little more fun than your standard steps, plus a double slide and some balancing blocks + pedestals.

I can see some pretend play happening here with the car steering wheel and the little clubhouse table under the structure.

This side of the playground also has 2 baby swings.

Supervise from benches or bring a picnic blanket and set up in the shade!
The trail behind the park leads up to the Sunset Point Trail.
There is also a fitness course that has stations around the park.

Be Aware:
- Signs warning about active coyotes in the area are posted along with evidence of coyotes along the trails. The signage says you can be prepared by: walking during daylight hours, walking with a walking stick, or carrying noisemakers. I have heard tales, from a mom who lived in the area, of the coyotes traveling in packs at dusk. For that reason and also because you might want to explore the Turtle Rock Nature Center, you won’t want to bring your pet. City of Irvine information about living with coyotes. Here is the City of Irvine Coyote Information – including how to report coyote sightings.
- Like I mentioned, this park is beside a main neighborhood road so not ideal if you have a child who might run or wander.
- It is also right next door to an elementary school — so there will be school traffic during the school year.
- Parking isn’t that convenient because there is a red curb directly alongside the park or you can park in the small dedicated lot near Turtle Rock Community Park which is about a quarter mile away and walk to the park.
- There are shade covers, but it still can get quite hot.

- No restrooms
- Play surface: recycled rubber and sand
- Parking isn’t that convenient — you’ll have to park along the curb nearby. There is no dedicated lot.
- Official City of Irvine information about Chaparral Park and other neighborhood playgrounds
- Nearest public library branch: University Park Library which is also near Irvine Adventure Playground and University Community Park

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