UNOFFICIAL park information provided as a free community service.
Please use links within my blog posts to contact the OFFICIAL park entity for OFFICIAL information.
Promote play and empower OC families to prioritize nature and play time.
Sponsorships available only inside weekly newsletter.

Michele Whiteaker
Founder & Editor –
Parks Blogger, Freelance Writer & Content Strategist
@ocplayparks on Instagram
email address:
Read my ABOUT page to get to know me better. Read my Start Here page to get to know the blog better.
Mailing Address:
Play Parks Creative LLC
c/o Michele Whiteaker
P.O. Box 52451
Irvine, CA 92619-2451
Readers. Write to me with your questions and comments! You are the reason why I’m here. Don’t be shy.
Be a contributor. Email me to be a volunteer park reporter here on This is the only type of guest post I accept from my local readers. Sorry, no ‘dofollow’ links.

You will get no response, if you email me with: Offers for off-topic guest posts, link exchanges, shady SEO schemes, requests to publicize random websites or products, requests to promote your crowdfunding project, or to post your events at no charge. Because of the overwhelming daily volume of these emails, I simply cannot respond to these types of inquiries.