TeWinkle Park and Angel’s Playground is adorned with names of generous individuals and philanthropic groups who helped create Angels Playground.
According to the Angels Charity website, “the plan was the inspiration of Costa Mesa residents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hansen, whose daughter, Angel, is severely disabled.” Groundbreaking for the park occurred in November, 2007.

Directions to TeWinkle Park in Costa Mesa: Located very near the OC County Fairgrounds on Arlington Drive between Fairview and the southbound Newport Boulevard lanes. It’s easily reachable from the the 55 and 405 freeways, as well as the 73 tollroad. [Address: 885 Junipero Road, Costa Mesa] MAP to TeWinkle Park in Costa Mesa
Recommended by: Nicole and Becky

It’s amazingly well-maintained in a peaceful setting across from the Costa Mesa Tennis Center. There is also a skate park and dog park across the street.
The many lakes, waterfalls, and waterfowl provide for leisurely strolls and adventures for the kids. On a recent visit I saw a mama duck with babies and even turtles. There are fountains on the lakes to keep the water agitated and prevent bugs. There’s also a waterfall as you climb the hill from the playground.

Motor skills challenges set this park apart from others – there are pedestals to navigate, balance beams, platforms, standing pedal pushers, and tunnels. Lots of spots to interact with friends.
Completely “barrier-free” universally accessible and ADA compliant. There are ramps that lead to the top of the play equipment.
There are 4 bench swings and 2 accessible swings near the sandbox.

The sandbox has one digger and a sand table at the edge of the sidewalk.

Lots of benches surrounding the playground, some with shade covers. A small fully-covered picnic gazebo right on the playground that is reservable. Also a HUGE one near the boulder hill and just a small distance from the playground.

Minimal shade cover on the playground even though there are shade sails. However, it is near the beach (even though it doesn’t feel like it.
Kids of all ages and abilities drawn to the moving sled/car/boat (whatever their imagination divines it to be).

Be Aware:
- It’s easy to see the kids from all angles here, but if they wander there are deep water hazards up the hill from the play area
- I felt completely safe on my visit – but there were a few suspicious characters on the outskirts near the parking lot (just be aware and go during hours when other families are there, as always)
- One mom says “Climbing wall is a little dangerous for a toddler”
- Huge squirrel population the boulder hill near the main picnic gazebo
- Please DON’T feed the squirrels or the ducks. It can make them really sick and can alter their natural foraging behavior making them dependent on humans. You can still enjoy observing them without feeding them!

- The first “barrier-free” universally accessible playground in Orange County
- Dedicated parking lot
- Recycled rubber play surface and sand play area
- Nice, clean bathrooms very near playground (even a family restroom)
- Drinking fountains near restroom
- Massive covered picnic area (multiple tables) and one smaller picnic area (fits one table)
- Many benches for viewing the kids, many covered by shade
- Ball fields at Athletic Center
- Official City of Costa Mesa website TeWinkle Park info with links to park reservations
- Get info on the City of Costa Mesa Skate Park here and also the Tennis Center
- Check my list of Universally Accessible Playgrounds in Orange County for more spots like this
- Nearby public libraries: Mesa Verde Public Library branch and Costa Mesa Donald Dungan branch

Nearby Parks:
Originally published in November 2008.

Thursday 19th of February 2015
Used to play as a kid here in the 1980's. Had a bike stolen from here. Thought I caught a fish once but it turned out to be a leather boot. Good times...I guess!?
Saturday 25th of June 2011
I have one highly active and nimble daughter as well as one who has severe disabilities and we love this park. It has something for everyone. One special feature is the high back swings. There are two of them and they are great for kids who have balance issues, low muscle tone or lack of control. They are also great for infants and have the capacity to hold larger kids as well, if there are no babies or special needs kids using them. The jungle gym is different than most parks, the gilder is something that all the kids can play on together. My daughter loves to be in her wheelchair on it while the other kids are squealing and rocking with her. There is a separate sand play area, as well as plenty of benches, shade, restrooms and the lake on the other side of the hill.
Saturday 25th of June 2011
Thanks so much for your detailed comments, Melissa. It's nice to hear from a mom who has such a wide range of requirements from a playground. TeWinkle is one of our favorites, too.
Thursday 14th of May 2009
This park is GREAT! I have going to this park since the 1970's. It was a great park back when we just used cardboard to slide down the big hill which is now beautifully landscaped. I had many Indian Maiden sleepover pow wows there as a little girl. I then began taking my son in the 80's and he loved many years of running crazy and feeding ducks there also. I am now planning my first picnic with my grandson, and of course it will be, TeWinkle Park. It has something for everyone and for all ages to enjoy. A definite must see! Thanks for the memories and looking forward to many more. Michelle