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What You Don’t Know About Darlynn Could Help You

What You Don’t Know About Darlynn Could Help You

I met Darlynn Morgan of Morgan Law Group a few years ago before our first travel-far-away-weekend without the the kids. I worried that my husband and I would be on the plane together . . . and what if we didn’t come back???  My logic was that nothing bad would happen if we were prepared. We spent a lot of money to have a legal aid firm complete our basic trust paperwork. BAD decision! The whole process was a nightmare and we still weren’t sure everything was in order.

Darlynn to the rescue! We met with Darlynn only briefly, but I immediately connected with her personal story of loss and felt the sincerity of her motivation to help others. She reassured us and gave us valuable advice to make sure our affairs were in order. I wish we had gone to her first. You can’t mess around with something this important. We will be using her services soon since our “estate” has changed since we last met.

So What Does This Have to Do with Parks?
Darlynn gives presentations at parks and playgrounds. She knows you have kids and wants to make her message convenient to your schedule. When she speaks to moms groups at parks it only takes about 20 minutes. She hits the highlights. It’s abbreviated from her longer presentations, which are available for parenting groups that meet at indoor venues. She loves when moms clubs invite her out to their play dates. The kids can run around and the moms gather around for her quick talk so she can point you to your next step.

What Makes Darlynn Different Than Other Estate Planning Attorneys?


  • Travels to parks to speak to busy parents and grandparents.
  • Has a 1 year old – and knows about family challenges and concerns.
  • Makes it easy to come up with a plan that works for your personal situation.
  • Finds it rewarding to educate families on estate planning, whether they become a client or not.
  • She’s super nice and approachable. She enjoys long-term client relationships which grow with the family.
  • Sadly, she has personal experience – with loss and not being prepared – which motivates her to help others.

Her presentation tells how to ensure the safety and care of your children and how to avoid the common mistakes parents make when choosing a guardian for your minor children. Darlynn is dedicated to her life’s work of: helping families with young children protect what they love.

Please visit her explanation of “How We’re Different” (it’s the best description of what she can do for you). Then give her a call to schedule either a personal meeting or park presentation.

Like I said, she’s super nice.

*I received no compensation for this post.  And I’m not an official client . . . yet!  However, the nice person she is  — Darlynn offered to make a donation to support me for the Tiny Oranges Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation race team.