Because I write this website and read lots of articles about time outdoors and the importance of play and unplugging for kids and adults, I’m ultra-aware of how the time ticks away in our day. Getting in our Green Hour is a high priority. I find it’s as valuable for me as it is for the kids. As an illustration, I thought I’d share how we did it the first week back at school:
- We walked to school together. It’s the same walk, but we see something different every day. The wildlife spotting varies and the weather changes.
- Kids played at school recess.
- I walked outdoors with a friend while the kids were in school.
- Kids played outdoors when they got home from school.
- We walked to school together.
- I walked home for exercise.
- Kids played at school recess.
- We walked to school together.
- I walked/ran around two different parks while they were at school.
- Kids played at school recess.
- Kids played outdoors when they got home from school.
- We did a simple nature craft which took them almost an hour. [I gave them containers and they collected “nature scraps” from around the outside of our house. No live stuff! Then they got some glue, glitter and googlie-eyes to make a creation on a paper plate.]
- Free play in the community pool.
- We walked to school together.
- Kids played at school recess.
Friday (No school)
- Wandered around Irvine Regional Park.
- Visited the OC Zoo and talked about all the local animals.
- Played frisbee in the park.
- Searched for the NSI marker – and found it!!
- Ate dinner outside. Kids played outside while we prepared the meal.
- Went on a guided night hike.
- Nature Play Club met at Shipley Nature Center with a picnic and played frisbee after.
- Free play in the community pool.
- Today is a lazy day for us. We will probably visit the park during the day or the kids will play outside while we read on our deck.
- This evening we’re hosting our Play Day for the neighborhood.
Our Tuesday/Thursdays are definitely more stuffed with activities. The kids were active after school those days, but their unstructured play happened indoors in shorter spurts. I also had a PTA meeting on Thursday night which crammed our schedule that much more. I’d like to think we make up for those two busy days — on our Friday/Saturday/Sundays.
His name tag reads: “Hi, My Name Is: Crazy Eyes, Nature Guy.”
Need More Ideas?
Check for all sorts of suggestions on how to get in some simple outdoor activities.
How did you get outdoors this week?
Monday 20th of September 2010
My kids would love that covered trail in the first picture. Where is that? Thx.
Rebecca P. Cohen
Sunday 19th of September 2010
I love, love, LOVE, your outdoor lifestyle! Here's how I squeeze in some back-to-school outdoor time: Thank you kindred spirit!
Sunday 19th of September 2010
You are inspiring - thanks for sharing your secrets! I've noticed it is MUCH harder to get in our green hour now that school has started, but it's especially important to make time for it. And scheduling family time in nature on the weekends is a great idea!