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The Stick Game

The Stick Game

When I was a kid, I never once felt “too tired” to walk or play. What is it with kids today?

We don’t always have a destination in mind when we go out in nature. But sometimes, I want to stroll and I know the kids always need to expend some energy. One of my best parental tricks for overcoming any of the kid objection is simply — a stick.

Some of you with boys are thinking – is this lady crazy? Give him a stick and he’s going to take out his little brother.  I hope that’s not the case and that you can set a few ground rules with some expectations for safety. The Stick Game is all about keeping the point ON THE GROUND.

Observe Exhibit A — this is the classic “I don’t want to walk” stance. Note that the hands are clenched into fists of objection.

Then the mind wanders and she starts looking around.

Hey, this is pretty fun! You mean, Mom will follow this line no matter  how many loops or curves I throw at her? Now we’re giggling pretty good. All of us.

Still following. I think she might have forgotten we’re behind her.

Uh-oh. Now it’s my turn to run and catch up!

Other fun ideas for sticks:

  • Collect small ones to make a nest for a stuffed animal.
  • Find a big one to use for a walking stick.
  • Use them for crafts.
  • Build a fairy house.
  • Use them as “stuff to build.”

(Oh, this trail is behind Cedar Grove Park in Tustin on the way up to Peters Canyon.)

Originally published in April 2013.

Jayme Barger

Thursday 16th of April 2015

I love the pictures and the commentary :) Such a great idea!


Wednesday 3rd of April 2013

Love it!!


Friday 5th of April 2013

So much fun, Lisa!

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