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The Bonus of Bugs

The Bonus of Bugs

I try to walk the kids to school every day. Occasionally it makes more sense to drive when I’ve got errands to run or an appointment to make soon after school starts. On three days a week, one of the neighborhood boys joins us on our walk. This past week was extraordinarily busy for me and we only walked on Monday. By Friday, I was really missing my morning outdoor time! Apparently, I wasn’t the only one.

“When are we going to walk again? I like walking because we at least see one bug every time,” said the boy from our neighborhood.

This is a 6 year old boy who rarely speaks directly to me. He’ll chat all the time with my kids, but not to me. So I was thrilled he’d made a connection to nature on our walks!  We’re naturally on the lookout for birds and bugs on our way to school, but I don’t make it a big deal. We are just aware of what’s going on around us.  As I look through my photos over the past weeks, bugs are a bit of theme.

We saw the ladybug (above) at Los Rios Park in San Juan Capistrano. I snapped the photo with my phone (no editing!).  This stink bug was crawling around on the bluff where we watched the sunset over the ocean. See the golden hue shining on its black back?

It inspired some spontaneous dirt artwork, drawn with a stick, by my Kindergarten kid.

This Green June Beetle stood guard over the vermiculture bin at the Farm & Food Lab at the Orange County Great Park.

Wonder what we’ll see when we go out exploring this weekend? Bugs, for sure.